Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Last week

Dear Friends: We have had an interesting week. We moved to the suburb of Watson last Friday after several days at Pet's Paradise in Civic.

There was a long weekend in Australia because of the ANZAC day.

On Sunday we were introduced to some members of the diplomatic service of two European nations posted in Australia. Wine and cheese were provided while the Gallipolli campaign and the roots of the Armenian conflict were discussed. Cheese was a temptation but we are still eating only kitten food! We have not signed any sponsorhip agreement with the pet food company of the link but we are open to hear reasonable proposals.

We visited the Canberra Veterinary Hospital on tuesday for the microchip and a veterinary control. Lord Delamere is having some vet problems and is currently under medication.
Luis and Naty went to see the Big Merino in Goulburn during the weekend, we still do not get why there is not a Big Cat in Australia yet! We will fill a petition to the Commonwealth Goverment, any supporters? And we don't agree the giant feral cat is a myth!

We woke up very early on thursday to watch the game between Barcelona and Inter. If you hate the coach Jose Mourinho then you are not alone.

There is an interesting post at the blog of William Easterly aidwatchers about 1 million shirts. Giving cash is better than giving stuff but in some areas in kind aid is preferred by beneficiaries.
If you are interested in in kind donations, then you would like to read what are the most useful ones. But you can also donate money through many organizations and tell your mom that her mother's day gift is being invested to help poor families send their children to school or help them learn skills to start and sustain their own businesses.

Lord and Lady Delamere

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